Every now and then, it rains on a weekday (especially if you live in the Netherlands like I do currently), and you have some time and creative energy to share some thoughts with the rest of the world. Since my average follower already knows how passionate I am about Bitcoin, I’ve noticed that very few can foresee its future impact on entrepreneurs and businesses. More and more people are fortunately realizing that Bitcoin will play a significant role in the global economy, but what it specifically means for you and your business remains unclear and elusive for many. Therefore, I wanted to share, relatively briefly and concisely, 4 reasons why you, as a business owner, must dive into Bitcoin now…
1. Inflation Hedge - Bitcoin Values Your Economic Output Much Better
What do I mean by this?
It’s not very difficult. The economic output you currently deliver, in the form of added value to society, is stored by you/your company as “profit” in the respective fiat currency. If you’ve been paying attention at all over the past few years, you’ve noticed that all fiat currencies worldwide are rapidly losing value because we are moving towards a sovereign debt crisis globally. In short, it means we are at the end of a long-term debt cycle (Ray Dalio wrote extensively about this) where debt has accumulated to the nation-state level. As a result, we need exponentially more and faster new currency units to prevent the financial system from collapsing, leading to constant recurring inflation. The more value you store in these currencies in the coming years, the more value you will lose, thereby significantly diminishing your chances for growth and a positive future. Bitcoin is the “antidote” for this. Bitcoin cannot be inflated because there is no central authority controlling it, and it is not based on debt.
2. Financial Autonomy - Bitcoin Offers More Control Over Your Financial Resources
Just like the previous point, you can only truly understand this reason once you also understand Bitcoin well. If you want to learn more about this, I advise you to attend our monthly (currently free) Bitcoin Deep Dive session (here) to understand how and why. Because Bitcoin is a decentralized global monetary system, secured and protected by a network of miners (hashrate – real-world energy) and nodes (transaction validation and consensus rules), you are not dependent on third parties regarding your capital. In other words, you have no counterparty risk when it comes to business capital. If structured and set up correctly, only you can access your capital, and it is free from risks that arise during economic problems such as a banking crisis, censorship, and/or confiscation.
3. First Mover Advantage - A Trendsetter Who is Early & Right Benefits Greatly from New Inventions & Paradigm Shifts
For me, as a student of monetary history, it is clear that we are currently in a gigantic financial paradigm shift. Once you understand that incentives drive behavior, you realize that when you see the most important incentive model (our financial system) changing before your eyes, it changes EVERYTHING.
Our (purchase) behavior, thus also the types of products & services, and therefore our business structures. Everything. Not just payments, but everything that flows from this base layer. Just think about what was “built on gold” after it became the base layer of our financial system. Think about banks, central banks, lending & credit systems, exchanges and stock traders, and all the intermediaries and companies that emerged from them. If you now already place Bitcoin as a “company asset” on the balance sheet or start accepting Bitcoin as payments, you are much closer to the action and become part of the developments, allowing you to easily benefit from all the extra profit arising from these developments. Apart from extra customers, what do you think about the new creative energy that will be released as you outpace all your competitors in the coming years?
Think about having a company website in 1994 while people barely had internet, advertising on Facebook in 2011, or having a mobile application in 2015…
4. AI Transforms Everything - And AI Prefers Bitcoin…
The developments around AI are gigantic, and you surely haven’t missed them. Alarmist “experts” are mainly concerned about all the jobs that will disappear instead of focusing on all the additional productivity & efficiency that will enter the economy. All companies will, one way or another, deal with AI and work with AI. And as I mentioned in the headline, AI prefers Bitcoin…
AI agents can now already independently (without ID) open private BTC wallets to “programmatically” make payments between clients and contractors. This is only possible via Bitcoin because the traditional banking system makes it impossible for AI agents to operate independently within an account, let alone open a new account specifically for these types of transactions. In other words, by understanding Bitcoin, you strategically position your company to benefit from these internet & AI-driven developments and maintain flexibility in a future where autonomous AI agents execute financial transactions.
Bringing it all together
Just remember this simple fact: Our world economy is transitioning almost entirely to the internet, the digital realms. The internet moves too fast for traditional finance and is in desperate need of its own currency. Bitcoin is the only decentralized & secure currency of the internet. Everything that happens there will prefer Bitcoin. The current financial system is slowly coming to an end, and the longer you wait to prepare your business for the new world, the more value you will leave behind in the old world. It’s just a waste…
Let’s finish with a famous Chinese saying: “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is now…”
Let’s not wait until Bitcoin is 10 years further along…
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Meet Marc—with a unique history of studying psychology, poker, and performing sales on high levels, he eventually ended up with a curious eye for the world of money. He dove into traditional investing and even surfed the wild waves of "shitcoins" in the crypto space. But it was the wake-up call of the 2020 pandemic that really opened his eyes to the true power governments wield and how little control individuals have over their financial destiny. The broken fiat currencies within the traditional financial system and the rampant scams, lies, and rug-pulling in the crypto space lit a fire within him, driving his unwavering enthusiasm for 100% Bitcoin.
Fueled by this newfound awareness and his connection with a company called Awake Origins, Marc embarked on a remarkable spiritual journey, selling everything and traveling the globe with his family for nearly three years. Along the way, he couldn't help but ponder some big questions about money, economics, and global wealth disparities. These musings eventually led him to the fascinating world of Bitcoin, a place he's never looked back from. Today, Marc dedicates his time to helping folks and businesses seamlessly integrate Bitcoin into their daily lives, all while continuing his global adventures.